Character name:   Mistflower
Gender:   Female
Soulname:   Zay
Known by:   Herself, Edge
Former name:   LittleFlower
Cub name:   LittleFlower
Preserver title:   Bubble Highthing
Age:   202 (at her death)
Position in tribe:   Deceased
Facial features:   Heart-shaped, high cheek-bones
Hair color:   Black
Style:   Pulled up in a topknot
Eye color:   Purple
Body type:   Curvy
Height:   3'6"
Skin tone:   Pale
Scars/Tattoos:   None
Heritage:   ½ Wolfrider - ½ SeaElf
Colors (clothes):   Dark purples and dark blues
Summer outfit:   Ankle boots in dark purple, shorts in purple, and halter top in dark blue, dark blue gloves
Winter outfit:   Knee boots in dark blue, pants in dark purple and a long sleeve tunic with hood and mask in dark blue. dark purple gloves
Jewelry:   None
Weapons:   Two troll forged long daggers (passed to Darkfur), bow and arrows
Magics:   Sending, Wolf Bonding, Force Shield
Skills:   Tracking, blending in to shadows, swimming, juggling her daggers

  Always ready to have fun. Lives to hunt and love. Easy going until you make her mad. Quick to temper, but quicker to forgive and forget. She loves to make people smile. And loves to play tricks

Likes:   Swimming, hunting, tracking, loving, juggling, making people laugh and playing tricks
Dislikes:   Humans and those greedy, deceptve, treacherous, cheating trolls
Fears:   Humans
Quirks:   None admitted to
Mother:   Kratha - Sea Elf (Different Holt)
Father:   FireEye - Wolfrider (Dead)
Siblings:   None
Soul siblings:   None
Other family:   None
Lovemates:   None
Lifemates:   None
Recognized:   Edge - Wolfrider
Children:   Darkfur (NPC) - ¾ Wolfrider/¼ SeaElf

        Born to the couple Krath and FireEye she grew up loved. When she was a little over 50 she and her parents left to return to her mothers tribe. She lived there until the death of her parents in a hunting accident 30 years ago(age 169). She wander for awhile until she came across the tribe of her father and has stayed.

Name:   Spiritwolf
Species:   Wolf
Gender:   Male
Age:   4
Appearance:   Light gray with black tipped ears
Personality:   Playful
Bond #:   3rd
Name:   Thief
Species:   Ferret
Gender:   Female
Age:   7
Appearance:   White with black tipped tail
Personality:   Playful, troublemaker, steals things

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