Name:   Shawn D. 'Dyn
Email Address:
Location:   USA
Other RPG Holts:   Golden Sands Holt, Tall Oaks Holt

Character name:   Edge
Gender:   Male
Soulname:   Kahl
Known by:   Himself, Silverthorn
Former name:   Thicket
Cub name:   Thicket
Preserver title:   Picky-bit Highthing
Age:   171
Position in tribe:   Scout
Facial features:   Oval face, somewhat square jaw, high cheekbones, chiseled lips, straight nose, narrow eyes
Hair color:   Reddish-brown
Style:   Long, straight, usually caught near the bottom with in a qeue, halfway wrapped with dark leather with a couple shaggy locks that hang in his eyes
Eye color:   Leafy-green
Body type:   Lean, broad shouldered, muscled
Height:   4'6"
Skin tone:   Somewhat pale
Scars/Tattoos:   Lateral scars across his chest
Heritage:   Wolfrider
Colors (clothes):   Browns, blacks, greens
Summer outfit:   Loincloth, breeches, boots, vest, or a combination thereof
Winter outfit:   breeches, tunic, coat, gloves, boots all lined and trimmed in fur
Jewelry:   Leather upper armband, tiny feather-accent hoop in left ear, and a neck thong of feathers and teeth
Weapons:   Throwing daggers
Magics:   Sending, Wolf bonding
Skills:   Scouting, hunting & distraction

  He's fire and ice. One minute he'll try to make you laugh, the next minute he's needling you about something embarrassing you did 2 turns ago. His sense of humor runs on the dry side, but in his favor, at least he has one. He's friendly, but protective of those he considers kin close and closer.

Likes:   Physical exertion, exercise, swimming
Dislikes:   Liars, cheats, preservers & tree-wees
Fears:   Losing his family & his control
Quirks:   Too many to list
Mother:   Grayfox - Wolfrider
Father:   Locktrade - Wolfrider (Missing)
Siblings:   Branchcall - Brother (Deceased)
Soul siblings:   None
Other family:   None
Lovemates:   Goodhue - Wolfrider
Lifemates:   None
Recognized:   Mistflower - ½ Wolfrider/½SeaElf (Deceased)
Children:   Darkfur (NPC) - ¾ Wolfrider/¼ SeaElf

        Locktrade and Grayfox were lifemates when Blackspear passed through their holt. They had just lost their son, Branchcall, to the foaming sickness and decided to travel along. A few turns after settlement in the new holt, they were both somewhere into their 600s when they recognized again, having a cub they named Thicket, because he was born under a large berry bush during heavy rain. As he got older, he became an excellent scout, his extremely sensitive nose giving him an 'edge' over some of the others.

        During his youth he became close to Silverthorn, finding a confindante in her. They became fast friends and eventually shared soulnames. Later, he took the name Edge in place of Thicket, more for the edginess of his personality as well as his scouting abilities. His father disappeared after a routine trade, and his mother has yet to recover fully, though she does remain his calming influence within the tribe.

Name:   None Currently

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