Here is where you get to see all of the Colorful sayings, and phrases the Elves have to offer. Have fun with this one.

       Ants take your eyes! As welcome as water in the desert... Bare as a bagfrog...
Briars and deadfall! Bright stars! By all the High Ones!
By all the wolves I've ridden... By my Axe! By the stars and the moons!
By the wandering stars! Coat me with honey and call me Beesweets... Curse your wayward rumps!
Dung! Dung chips! Farts and fewmets!
Fell me and tie me and fry me in a fire! Fry me for a fool! Hairballs!
He's many nuts shy of a full pouch. High Ones bless you. Like two burrs in a boot.
Muck-eating mater with trolls! Over my blunt sword! Owl droppings!
Owl pellets! Puckernuts! Double Puckernuts!
Rats and Mice! Sleet and Slush! Slice me and dice me and stew me on a fire!
Stars in the sky! Suns, moons and bright, bountiful stars. Sure as spit!
Tie me and skin me and cook me in a fire! Troll dung! Troll warts and lizard skins!
Toad turds! Trolls take it! We're in it up to our hackles.
Well, strike me with skyfire! Wood rot! You're full of dreamberries!
You're meat to be Wasted!
Sun Folk
By the lost dwelling of the High Ones. By the midday fumes! Cur dung!
Great sun protect us! Great Sun! High Ones keep you!
Like sand fleas on a dead zwoot. Sands of the boundless waste! Shade and sweet water. (Both greeting and farewell)
Sun bless me! Thistles and prickle-pears! To the fire pit with you!
Zwoot dung!
Beaks and Claws! By the aeries! By the blood of the Firstcomers!
By the Great Egg! High Ones guard you. To the storm and rain with him!
Blood and blubber! Buckrot! Clear paths!
Dung! or Dung chips! Fish guts! Frozen buckwads!
Furballs! Go recognize a troll! Gutchucks!
He should fall through thin ice! He should fry in bear fat! I'll be boiled in fish oil!
Just who in the shadow of the Great Ice Wall does he think he is? Open skies!
Owl pellets! Rotten fish guts! Snow's truth!
To the fire pits with all of you! Troll dung! Troll guts!

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