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There are four races on this world and each of them is different than the others. Only one is native to this planet, the others are visitors who have been here for generations. ElvesElves are alien to the planet, as well as are trolls and preservers, descendants of a group of telepathic, shape-changing star-farers who crashed long ago on this world. They are the only race on the planet who possess magic, and their magic is of a telepathic/telekinetic variety, manifesting as inborn abilities not spells. Elves are distinguishable by large eyes, fine often delicate features, pointed ears, and four-fingered hands (four toed feet). The very oldest elves in the world are as tall as humans (about 6 feet), the younger and more modern elves have adapted to a smaller size (from 3 to 5 feet). Most elves are pale-skinned, although some tribes who dwell in hotter climates (e.g., SunFolk and Plainsrunners) have darker skin tones. Note: the darker-skinned elves are not considered a different race, as might happen in RL, or even in AD&D. Also, with the exception of Wolfriders of sufficient age (about 450 to 500), elfin males do not grow beards, mustaches or even sideburns, and elves in general have minimal if any body hair. Wolfriders can, if they lead sufficiently peaceful lives, probably live for a good three thousand years. Other elves, if not killed by combat, disease, or other natural causes, are effectively immortal. Offsetting their long lives is their extremely slow birth rate. TrollsThe trolls of this world came from the same world as the elfin High Ones, in fact they started off as small, apelike servants of the elves in the Crystal Palace that brought them all to this world. After some of their number rebelled and caused the Palace to crash, the little primates escaped underground. Evolving into the trolls depicted in the ElfQuest books. Trolls are distinguishable by greenish skin, and yellowish teeth and nails. They are about as tall or slightly taller than modern elves (4' to 5'), however they are as bulky and strong as humans, thus they are much more muscular and more heavy-set than the slimly built elves. Their noses are large, their eyes small and beady; their hair color can range from black to blonde to white. The trolls are the first, and so far only, race of this world to develop the forging of iron and other hard metals. Steel ('brightmetal') exists in the possession of Trolls, elves must trade for this and other metal items. PreserversWhen the High Ones arrived they brought the forerunners of the trolls as well as another kind of creature to the world of Worldpool: small, dragonfly-like insects. Eventually, through exposure to elfin magic, they became self-aware and fairy-like in form. Their primary ability is the ability to spit 'wrapstuff': a sticky, web-like substance which, when spun around a creature into a cocoon, effectively places that creature in suspended animation, outside time. Because of this ability, and because of their apparently inexhaustible memories, these creatures were given the name Preservers. Preservers have one solid color along their bodies, dusky shades of red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, or lavender. Their wings are semi-transparent, opalescent and butterfly-like, in colors that may or may not match their wings. Their bodies are small enough to sit easily on an elf's hand or shoulder, or hide in an elf's hair. They wear flowers, acorns, leaves, or odd bits of clothing or feathers as hats. They are immune to most forms of physical damage, although their wings can be pulled off. Like pure-blooded elves, they effectively immortal in lifespan and seem unable to reproduce. Preservers speak a childlike version of the elfin tongue, and are fond of bursting into cricket-like, grating song. Preservers have a limited sensitivity to elfin magic; they can, if they are within a few feet of an elf that sends, pick up impressions the same way a wolf getting sends from its bonded Wolfrider might. Preservers have also been shown to react to high-powered acts of magic, and possess the unerring ability to locate the Crystal Palace of Flight in which the High Ones, and the forerunners of the trolls arrived on the planet with the preservers. HumansThe humans are the only true native race to the planet, at this point in time they are also the most primitive, lacking both the magical abilities of the elves and the more advanced iron-forging capabilities of the trolls. The most advanced human groups should be considered to be in a technology level equivalent to the late Stone Age on Earth; they will possess rudimentary 'symbol-making' (hieroglyphics/art), the ability to tan hide, the ability to rudimentary taming of animals, and the beginnings of agriculture. Humans of this world (for our purposes) are primarily medium to dark-complected (tanned or perhaps olive), hazel or brown of eye, with most hair colors being varying shades of brown as well. Pale blonder types might be possible as well as auburns, but are not prevailant. The human lifespan is extremely short (even by real-life standards, and definitely by elfin ones): most humans of this world might expect to live 30-50 years, they breed very quickly comparitively, most begin reproducing between the ages of 15 and 18, and thus have strength in numbers. | |
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