
We are a motley groups of elves, including CatElf, Gliders,
Go-backs, Plainsrunners, SeaElves,
SunFolk, Wolfriders, and those who are a
mix of these. All elves have the ability to send, or telepathically communicate. (Why? Because Foxtide
says so, thats why.)
CatElves come in two kinds. One from the colder north, though not as north as
the Go-backs, and from the south, beyond the plains to the jungles. They have the ability to bond with tigers, one bonding with
white tigers that stalk the usually snowy forests, plains and mountains. The other bonding orange-red tigers that rove the jungle's
dense foliage. Those of the snow do not have red hair, and those of the jungle do not have white hair.
Eye Color : |
Blues, Greens, Greys, Purples, Lavender, Browns |
Hair Color : |
Blondes, Black, White, Greys/Silvers, Browns, Reds |
Height : |
Adult height between 3'2" and 4'6" |
Skintones : |
Snow: Pale, Jungle: Deep tans |
Soulname : |
Have |
Magics : |
Sending, Cat Bonding, Magic Feeling (sometimes) |
Gliders are elves with the unique ability to float in the air. They are taller in stature
than the other elves, and very thin in build. They have the ablitity to bond with the birds that roost around Wolf Rock. These birds are
about 12-16 feet from beak to tail, with a wingspan of about 25-30 feet and they resemble red-tailed hawks.
Eye Color : |
Blues, Greens, Greys, Purples, Lavender, Browns |
Hair Color : |
Blondes, Black, White, Greys/Silvers, Browns |
Height : |
Adult height between 3'8" and 5'6" |
Skintones : |
Tends to be very pale, almost as if denied any natural light |
Soulname : |
Have |
Magics : |
Sending, Levitation (sometimes) |
The Go-backs look much like the Wolfriders, however they train large elk or deer to carry
them and respond to rains and carry a saddle. They lack the wolfblood and thereby the ability to bond with the wolves of the holt, in
fact they do not bond with any animal unless they have animal bonding magic. The Go-backs are mortal, living about the same number of
turns a wolfrider could. They eat cooked meat, are carefree, blunt and brash. They come from the mountains beyond the mountains near the
holt, where it is cold and snowy all year round. NOTE: Reindeer are not native to the area of the holt, you would have to go to Go-back
lands to gain one.
Eye Color : |
Blues, Greens, Greys, Purples, Lavender, Browns |
Hair Color : |
Blondes, Reds, Black, White, Greys/Silvers, Browns |
Height : |
Adult height between 3'2" and 4'6" |
Skintones : |
Tends toward palers shades like Wolfriders |
Soulname : |
Have |
Magics : |
Sending |
These elves are from the plains beyond our mountain, they live out in the sun much like
plains indians did before America was settled by people from Europe. They sometimes would ride no-humps (ponys or horses) that roam the
plains, taming a few for the tribes use. They eat both meat and vegitation, weave baskets from grasses and tend to be tall and slim with
long legs. They do not bond with animals but can train mounts, much like the Go-backs do. On their home plains some raised plains cats
(lions or cougars) from small kits to be mounts.
Eye Color : |
Blues, Greens, Greys, Purples, Lavender, Browns |
Hair Color : |
Blondes, Reds, Black, White, Grays/Silver, Browns |
Height : |
Average adult height between 3'4" and 5' with an average between 4' and 4'8" |
Skintones : |
Tanned and tends to range from a light golden brown to a bronzed copper |
Soulname : |
Have |
Magics : |
Sending |
Sea-elves are about the same height as the Gliders, but they are adapted to living in
and out of water. Some have chosen to shape themselves to have gills or webbed hands and feet.
Eye Color : |
Blues, Greens, Greys, Purples, Lavender, Browns |
Hair Color : |
Blondes, Reds, Black, White, Grays/Silver, Browns; All tend to be sunbleached |
Height : |
Adult height between 3'4" and 4'8" |
Skintones : |
Tanned and tends to range from a light golden brown to a bronzed copper |
Ears : |
SeaElves' ears tend to be slightly smaller than most and it is not unusual for them to be lightly scalloped along the edges, not unlike a shell |
Soulname : |
Have |
Magics : |
Sending |
SunFolk are from the desert beyond the plains. They live under the harshes rays of
the sun which are reflected up off pale rock and sand giving them the darkest of all Elven skintones. They are primarily vegetarian, but
from time to time will enjoy a stew which has a meat broth or even some small bit of meat in it. They do not bond with animals however
they can train a mount much like the Go-backs do.
Eye Color : |
Greens, Grays, Purples, Lavender, Amber/Gold/Yellow, Browns, Dark Blues |
Hair Color : |
Blondes, Reds, Black, Browns. All other colors seem to have disappeared |
Height : |
Adult height between 3'6" and 4'8" |
Skintones : |
Tend toward the very richest coppers and the darkest browns |
Soulname : |
Have |
Magics : |
Sending |
The Wolfriders share a special bond with this planet and the wolves they bond. That of
blood. Wolfriders are mortal, living only as long as about 3,000 yearsat the most. Since they are nocturnal, like their bonds, their
skin is pale and rarely come out during the day. They eat raw meat though do smoke some to be stored and make stews of plants and blood
with some of the bones and fat. They also tend to be very territorial.
Eye Color : |
Blues, Greens, Greys, Purples, Lavender, Amber/Gold/Yellow, Browns |
Hair Color : |
Blondes, Reds, Black, White, Greys/Silvers, Browns |
Height : |
Adult height between 2'9" to 4'8". 3'2" to 4'4" being average |
Skintones : |
A wolfriders complexion will most often be very pale or lightly tanned |
Soulname : |
Have |
Magics : |
Sending, Wolf Bonding, Magic Feeling (sometimes) |
Wolfriders bond with wolfs. These wolves are the descendants of that part of the original
half-wolf children who where known as the hunt. Those who were more wolf than elf, the brothers and sisters of Crag. The original
pack was formed by eight wolves that Durnel brought to Crag many years after he was left to lead the tribe. Though there are wolves
scattered thru the forest which share elven blood thru the hunt wolfriders bond almost exclusively with wolves born of the pack formed by
bonded wolves of the/a holt. It is also noted that wolves of the Hunt could send. So it has been with the rarest of wolves through the years
since. Those wolves who are born with a stronger than normal mix of elf blood in them are thought to be throwbacks to the hunt when this was
more normal.
Those not born in the wolfpack of bonded wolves are rarely ever accepted into such a
pack without a fight for position. Those who refuse the challenge are forever outside the pack, living on the fringes.
Bond wolves are more intelligent by their nature than other wolves, and though may
sometimes breed with unbondrd wolves they rarely seek outside the pack unless they are exiled by lost challenge.
On Wolves that Send: Wolves do not send, wolfriders have an extrordinarily deep empathy with their bonds and
the ONLY wolves known to send are the rare 'throwbacks'. Normal wolfrider wolves do not send. Throwback wolves are said to be 'Of the hunt'
which was what the elves called Timmorn's children who ran with the wolfpack. Their mothers were usually wolves themself and these 'wolves'
were 1/4 elf. Their children and the decendants of their children as they bred with full wolves became the bonds for the elves known as
Wolfriders. The elf blood in the bond wolves has thinned to such a degree that only very very rarely do wolves send. It is noted that
Bearclaw only had one wolf who could send, Cutter never had one, Ember never had one, none of the elves ever had a wolf that could send that
was noted except bearclaw and it was considered by him to be extremely special.
These elves have more than one of the above running through their veins. One parent came
from one and the other parent from another, or in some cases either one or both parents were mixed themselves.
Choose your stats from the heritages you claim. For example, if you are ½ Go-back and ½
Plainsrunner, choose your stats from either or both of those categories. If you have a heritage that has a soulname (all except SunFolk)
then you will have a soulname. Your magics too should be a combination of all those available to the tribes to which you are claiming a
blood bond. If you do not claim a blood bond to a tribe then you can not have anything belonging to it and not to a tribe you are claiming.
If you are in any part Wolfrider you MUST have sending and Wolf Bonding. There are two
types of Wolf Bonding listed on the 'form' page, `Wolf Bonding` (you can or have bonded to a wolf), and `Wolf Bonding - unused` (meaning
the magic is so weak you can not bond to a wolf). You must list this on your magics if you are claiming wolfrider blood in any part (1/2,
1/4, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16 or even less)
Note: Full wolfriders must have `Wolf Bonding` not `Wolf Bonding - unused`.

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