Animal Bonding                    Anti-Healing                      Astral Projection
  Black Sending                     Bone Shaping                      Cat Bonding
  Deep Sense (NA)                   Finding                           FireStarting                    
  Flesh Shaping                     Force Shield                      Healing                         
  Hypnosis (NA)                     Ice Shaping (NA)                  Levitation                      
  Magic Feeling                     Metal Shaping (NA)                Mind Snare                      
  Plant Shaping                     Rock Shaping                      Sending                          
  Shape Shifting (NA)               Shielding                         Storm Sense                     
  Water Control (NA)                Water Finding (NA)                Wolf Bonding

Animal Bonding
An elf with this magic should look for bond-beasts among creatures with some degree of intelligence and preferably an empathic appeal for the elf -- a Wolfrider will most likely not want to bond with a creature he/she would normally consider lunch, like a squirrel or a mouse.

The lack of the magical ability of Animal Bonding should not prevent an elf from having a non-bonded pet, but the player should be aware of the difference between a pet and a bond-beast. A pet will not provide the empathic link that a bond-beast would and animal bonding does not provide the same level of communication that a blood bond would. For example a wolfrider bonded with a wolf would have a much stronger communication link than that same elf bonded to say, an owl or some other non-wolf.

Anti-healing is a power that only healers are eligible for. It is very similar to healing, except that instead of helping others, it hurts them. If you have this power, you can cause pain to another but can NOT reshape the body. Anti-healers also have the ability to put their victims into a trance, not hurting them, but leaving the helpless against any other form of attack. Any increase in your anti-healing power will result in the decrease of healing.

Astral Projection
Detaching yourself from your body, to move about in spirit form. Once out of the body, the range of your sending is multiplied by 50, allowing the spirit to travel great distances quickly. While in the astral plane, you can commune with others in the astral plane, or 'tap the shoulder' of an elf you know to have astral projection, and then communing with them once they joined you. In the plane, you appear as an image, a self without any definitive form. The mind being the most recognizable.

Black Sending
Black" or "dark" sending was first demonstrated to ElfQuest readers by the character of Winnowill. Of her, Leetah observed: "Her powers! Like a healer turned inside out! She hurts rather than heals!" And, when Nightfall experienced Winnowill's abilities: "I-I can't send! She's turning my thoughts into knives - piercing me with them!"

Though some people are uncertain about black sending's founding power being sending or anti-healing, on this game the founding power will be sending however you must have a high sending rank and be approved by the wizards for such magic.

*** Do not confuse black sending with sending which is simply aggressive or angry - the difference is the intent of the sender. Combative sending would be along the lines of physically slapping someone and Black sending along the lines of tying them up and torturing them.

Bone Shaping
Bone shaping, though similar to flesh-shaping is performed on both living and non-living bone depending on possession or lack of Healing. This ability allows the user to shape bone into the desired form or meld it back together. Matter can not be lost or created. If you are shaping a femur, it will remain as heavy as the femur did before shaping occurred. However, one can use the power to connect more than one piece together, for stability in whatever the shaper is creating.

Cat Bonding
This is the magic by which the CatElf possesses his ability of deeper communication with his catbond. In general all catelves of a high level of magic will be able to communicate on a passing level with all catbonds, but this will be deeper with the cat to which one is bonded. For those of lower levels the communication will be harder, or of less depth.

Deep Sense
Deep sense allows one character to see into another's visual memories and emotions. A Deep Sense user can get a general 'feel' of a group or can concentrate on visual imagery on a single target. In order to influence memories, a level of Strong is needed. In order to influence emotions, a level of Fair will work. It is possible for a Deep Senser to become 'overcome' by what they can feel and therefor lose some control over both themselves and their power.

Finding allows the elf to locate something s/he is familiar with, so long as it is within 300 yard (at level Strong) radius of the elf. The distance increases or decreases depending on the power level. A successful use of the power brings the elf to a point within 10 yards of the object looked for, and when RPing a fail (and we all do sometimes) the power sends you scampering off in the wrong direction or denies the presence of what your looking for, when it could be right in front of your nose.

The ElfQuest RPG indicates that firestarting is a power available only to High Ones. However, this power has cropped up among much younger elves, on an extremely limited basis.

This power is the ability to create fire and in a more limited capacity to control it. A skilled user should also be able to extinguish that which the magic user has created, though might not be able to extinguish a fire started with more natural means.

Flesh Shaping
This is similar to healing, except that instead of 'fixing' what is wrong, the shape of the 'patient' is actually changed. Doing this IS very painful to the 'patient', takes a rather long time, and is permanent. The healer is most often advised to heal and fleshshape alternately, otherwise, survival of the Flesh Shaping process is not very likely.

Force Shield
Force shield allows the user to protect themselves, and anyone else they wish to protect, from physical attacks or objects. It creates a wall around those being protected. However, the more being protected, the weaker the shield. This can also be used to form a 'bubble' to go under water acting as a wall of air, to protect oneself from attacking foes' weapons or from extreme heat. When a field is used for an extended period of time, it can give way at any time.

Those that have healing are able to heal wounds, disease, and the effects of poison through magical means. However, this power only works if the healer is touching the victim. Higher levels of control allow things such as the ability to heal any tissue, elf, troll, human, or preserver, however it is more difficult to heal those that do not have empathic links. A healer with the highest control may attempt to heal mental disorders, but only the most advanced healers can actually aide with this problem.

The power to 'stun' a victim into inaction. Victims will stay where they are, unless ordered to move by the practitioner of hypnosis. The victim is prone to suggestion via sending and can be influenced to do much. However, the victim will do nothing that goes against his/her own personal deep-felt convictions. While under the influence, the victim will pay no attention to his or her surroundings and can even be killed without reacting. Victims can attempt to 'come out' on their own, but many can be convinced intellectually the extra presence is a good one.

Most RP with hypnosis should be done carefully, keep each other informed OOCly what will happen and what will not, what happens to a character is up to a player, and hopefully, when this power is used, compromise will work wonders.

Ice Shaping
This magical ability to be able to control the ebb and flow of ice, or at higher levels to control snow to a small degree. It is very similar to any other shaping magic. An Iceshaper can mold ice to any form they desire. One thing that iceshapers can -not- do is affect liquid water. But once the water turns to ice these magic users have control. Needless to say these iceshapers are more or less useless if they leave the frozen north. Except in extreme winters in the temperate climes.

This is the ability to float ones self and/or other objects/characters. One should consider the feasibility of floating an object, smaller objects should be easier to float and anything larger than the elf harder to float. Anything more than the full weight of two 'Treestump' (©) sized wolfriders should be very limited to nearly or actually impossible depending on the strength of the magic.

Magic Feeling
This is the elfin ability to feel latent traces of magic. One might be able to detect whether or not a nearby object or place has magically enhanced properties, or if it were created, of if the entire site was the location of great magical use. Rock shaped caves, a shaped wooden spear can alert elves' magic feeling power. Most elves are incapable of noticing much with their power, but those with strong and above can and will notice more.

Metal Shaping (Not Available)
This is the power that allows an elf to shape metal and metallic alloys. An elf with Metal Shaping also has skill at Rock Shaping, though many chose to specialize with the Metal Shaping power. Elves with this power can work metals in pure forms at any level, though to work with alloys, and to make alloys, the shaper needs to have incredibly strong control and a high strength.

The soft metals are most within the metal shapers abilities, silver, tin, gold, and like metals are used. The metal shaper can draw them forth from a rock in pure form and can then gather and shape the metal into almost anything desired.

Mind Snare
When using Astral Projection, the projector is vulnerable to others with the power of 'Mind Snare'. This ability allows one astral projector to 'trap' another while in the astral plane. Even if knocked unconscious, the trapper is capable of maintaining his or her hold on the trapped elfin spirit. While trapped, the victim's body lies in a coma like state until the spirit is allowed to return. Healing does not aide one entrapped by the power of Mind Snare, and if the spirit is trapped for long enough, the body will die. Wrap-Stuff may be an option, but only if there are preservers handy and they are willing to wrap.. you should not force a preserver to wrap as they can sense if a body would survive.

Plant Shaping
To magically alter the shape or speed up the growth of plants, one must have the power of Plant Shaping. Also known as Tree Shaping, it can be used to create homes, weapons, trinkets, and just about anything the shaper can think of (as long as it is kept in theme). Plant Shapers can shape both living and dead material, though one must be at least at the level of Incredible to shape dead wood. To increase the growth rate of seed or seedling, the level of Significant is required.

Rock Shaping
The ability to change the shape of rock. At a level of Strong or higher, a Rock Shaper can detect anomalies such as secret doors or hidden tunnels. They have often been known to also create dwellings for their kinsfolk. Rock Shapers have the ability to create stronger weapons, for instanced, a shaped spear head will last longer and is easier to repair then a chipped spear head.

Sending is an ability that only elves have, it is the ability to telepathically send and receive messages, (words, pictures, and emotions) over a distance. This is the only power that is coded into the MUX. When an elf locksends to another, only that other elf receives it. It's like a mental whisper. Elves with exceptional sending can 'listen in' on careless elves, but it has to be a conscious decision to do so.

Shape Shifting
Allows the character to take on any desired shape. Shapes generally are those of true beasts of the land, though they have been known to mix and match as necessary. Changing, though not instantaneous, is a rather rapid process that does not cause the changer any pain. Those looking on would see the Shape Shifter morph from one form to another smoothly and quickly. There is always a chance a Shifter will get 'stuck' in a form, though generally that happens to those lower than the level of Moderate. Also, the longer the individual remains Shape Shifted, the higher the chance s/he will remain in that shape till another who understands and has that power comes along and aids them in the undoing of the change. Magical abilities can not be used while shifted.

A healer, willing to touch a target being attacked by magical means, is generally capable of using this power. Shielding will link the healer and the victim so that the victim might be protected against the magical attacks. Shielding will block all magical attacks, such as painful Sends, Black Sending, Anti-Healing, or Flesh Shaping. Healers at low levels may not be able to aide their friend, and in turn may suffer the attack as well. Healers may also protect large groups so long as they are all linked together, though the more there are, the weaker the healer's shield becomes.

Storm Sense
Storm-Sensors have a special ability to 'feel' the up and coming weather. By looking at the clouds, taking in the scent of the air, the feel of the wind, and their power of Sensing, they can predict the weather for up to 48 hours in advance. They are also capable of determining the strength and duration of the approaching storms. Just remember, none are perfect and even the best can fumble with his/her magic occasionally. For those that lack the magical power, they can have a Storm-Sensor teach them to read the signs to a limited extent, but they will never move beyond a Beginners level.

Note: Storm-Sensing predicts storms that are weather based. It will not warn of imminent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or Great Waves.

Water Control
Water Control allows the magic user to telepathically redirect the flow of a stream or to control a specific volume of water. Water Control has been used to divert streams to irrigate gardens, to move water from a lake to where its needed, as well as propulsion when on/in the water for those that are water dwellers. Fair users can move small amounts at a time, a two gallons easily, or alter the path of a trickle. Strong users can move about eight gallons with relative ease and divert small streams. Incredible users can move even greater volumes of water and divert the flow of even larger streams.

Note: Water Control allows its user to control water, and only water. All other forms of this substance are off limits.

Water Finding
Water Finding allows the elf to locate water underground or above ground though above will be at a greater range. The distance increases or decreases depending on the power level. A successful use of the power brings the elf to a point within 20 yards of the above ground water, and within a 5 yard radius of the below ground location of the water. The magic tends to be more infallible than pure finding simply because there is only one thing it does find. It is, however, possible to fail and either not find water that is there, or to 'find' water in a place there is none.

Wolf Bonding
This is the magic of blood which gives the wolfrider his ability of deeper communication with his wolfbond. In general all wolfriders of a mid level of magic will be able to communicate on a passing level with all wolves, but this will be much deeper with the wolf to which one is bonded.

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