There are many sections of this page, both Flora and Fauna, which will be known by some or all in the holt. You can scroll down through the page or use the links below to skip to the area you want to look at.

Fleshy Fruits Seeds and Nuts Trees, Roots, Bark, Flowers
ElfQuest Specific Fungi, Mosses, Lichen Miscellanious Other
Land Mammals Water Life Reptiles

Fleshy Fruits
    Goldensweet Acorn Squash         SweetHeart Apple         Yellowsmile Banana
Nightberry Blackberry Blueberry Blueberry Trollskin Canteloupe
Sweet Drop Cherry Milknut Coconut Cluster Berry Grape (green & red)
Soursun Grapefruit Sweetberry Hackberry Greenice Gourd Honeydew
Nutberry Magnolia Fruit Tinyberry Mulberry Starfruit Nectarine
Sunfruit Orange Fuzzy Fruit Peach Crisp Tear Pear
Orangeberry Persimmon Great Berry Plum Sungourd Pumpkin
Sourberry Raspberry Redsweet Strawberry Flame Cheek Tomato
Watergourd Watermelon Dreamberry None (origin)

    Capnut Acorns           Flatnut Almond
Threepoint nut Beechnut           Eyenut Buckeyes
Fatnut Butternut (oily nut) Poppernut Chestnuts (generally roasted)
Stinkfruit Ginko (fruit not eaten) Puckernut Hazelnut
Manynut Hedge-apple Splitnut Hickory
Manyseed Mangrove seed Slimnut Pecan
Swampnut Swamp or Bog Willow Sweetnut Honey Locust (pod-nuts)
Smokenut Honey Mesquite (pod-nuts)
Groovenut or Ridgenut Walnut

Trees, Roots, Bark, and Flowers
    Blue-needle Blue Spruce          Sweetstick Cane (sugar)          Green-needle Conifer
Spiceroot Ginger root Sneeze Flower Heart Violet Sweet Tree Maple
Deep Tree Oak Tear Root Onion Stewroot Potato
Redbark Red Pine Tearoot Sassafras Orangeroot Sweet potato
Frostbark White Pine

Real Life Counterpart Not Yet Declared
    Cooling Leaves        Escor Bloom        Fever Root        Pricklefruit        Prickly Fruit        Scent Mask
Soaproot Stink Plant Strangleweed Sweetblossom Sweetleaves Wackroot
Whistling Leaves Yellowroot

Fungus, Moss, and Lichen
    Blue Moss Blue-green/grey mosses         Greenblot Green Lichen         Tinderblot Green-Grey Lichen
Itchy Moss Purple-grey Moss Capstems Mushrooms Red Moss Red & brown mosses
Greenwebbing Spanish moss White Moss White, silverish and grey mosses

    Beesweet Honey          Stretch Sap Gum          Sweet Sap Maple Syrup          Tree-blood Resin
Cough Sap White Pine Sap

Land Mammals
    Leapers Antelope Screecher Bat Bear Bear (black or brown)
Flat-tail Beaver Curl-horn Bighorn Sheep Shaggy Hump Bison
Bob-Tail Bobcat Clicktoes Brockett (Miniature)Deer Flame Eyes Bush Baby
Zwoot Camel with hump on shoulder instead of mid-back Chubbycheeks Chipmunk
Gold Cat Cougar or Puma Branch-Horn Deer Furred Slither Ermine, Ferret
Sly Ones Foxes (red and grey) Bounders Gazelle Tree-grazers Giant Sloth
No-humps Horses Hoppers Jackrabbits Plains cats Lions
Tuft-ears Lynx Wide-horns Moose Stub-horns Mountain Goats
Snowbears Polar Bear Quillback Porcupine Flare horns Cross between moose and sheep
Squeaks Rats and Mice Ravvit Rabbit Longtooth Saber-toothed tiger
Stinkstripe Skunk (also stink-cat) Snowcat Snow Leopard Golden Cat Lion
Fluffy Tail Squirrel BrightFlame Tamarin, Golden Lion Treewee Tarsier
Striped Cat Tiger (orange and white) TreeHopper Tree Kangaroo Needlefur Tree Porcupine
Bloodflyer Vampire Bat Bristleboar Wild Pig Wolf or Howler Wolf
Ripclaw Wolverine Serpent-nose Wooly Mammoth Madhorn Wooly Rhinocerus

    Silentflyer Barn Owl Skyplume Blue Macaw Proud Blue Bluejay
Bloodfeather Cardinal Widebeaks Ducks Proud Flyer Eagle
Sky Hunter Falcons, Hawks Squawker Green Parrot Fast Hover/Blur-wing Hummingbirds
Silent Wing Owl Brights Parrots (all but green) Fireplumes Red Macaw
Redchests Red-breasted Robins RedTail Red-tailed Hawk White Wing Snowy Owl
Brightsingers sweet sounding songbirds of bright colors

Water Life
    Razor-tooth Alligator-like saurian        Snapper Baracuda        Bluefins Blue-Gills
White Fins Carp Bottom Sniffers Catfish Swing-shell Clam
Giant Shell Clam (elf-sized) Sand-pincher Crab Lock Claw Crawdad
Swimmer Slither Eel Wavedancer Dolphin Boat-backs Giant Turtle
VastDeep AirBreather Dolphin Deepsinger Humpback Whale Spinning AirBreather Spinner Dolphin
Stingfingers Jellyfish Redclaw Lobster Treeneck Loch Ness monster
Covegrazer Manatee Seaglider Manta-ray Clamper Mollusk
Manyarms Octapus Blacksails Orca/Killer Whale BigJaw Pike
Rainbow swimmers Rainbow Trout Red-Backs Salmon Sea Slither Sea Snake (poisonous)
Furryfin Seal Manytooth Shark Five-points Starfish
Brightswimmer Tropical Fish BlueSwimmer Tuna Water Skimmers Water Bugs
Curl Shells Water Snails

    Fan Slithers Cobras          Crocodilians Large croc-like saurians          Wet-croaker Frog
Giant Lizards Gila Monster Green slithers Grass Snakes Rattle slithers Rattlers
Dry-croaker Toad Hard-Shells Turtles Waterslithers Water Snakes
Shell-backs Saurians with armor and a ball spike tail

    Brightflutters Butterfly          Fuzzybugs Caterpillar          Manylegs Centiped/Milliped
Sting-tails Scorpions Rock Spiders Wolf sized spiders

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