There are many sections of this page, both Flora and Fauna, which will be known by some or all in the holt.
You can scroll down through the page or use the links below to skip to the area you want to look at.
Fleshy Fruits |
Goldensweet |
Acorn Squash |
SweetHeart |
Apple |
Yellowsmile |
Banana |
Nightberry |
Blackberry |
Blueberry |
Blueberry |
Trollskin |
Canteloupe |
Sweet Drop |
Cherry |
Milknut |
Coconut |
Cluster Berry |
Grape (green & red) |
Soursun |
Grapefruit |
Sweetberry |
Hackberry |
Greenice Gourd |
Honeydew |
Nutberry |
Magnolia Fruit |
Tinyberry |
Mulberry |
Starfruit |
Nectarine |
Sunfruit |
Orange |
Fuzzy Fruit |
Peach |
Crisp Tear |
Pear |
Orangeberry |
Persimmon |
Great Berry |
Plum |
Sungourd |
Pumpkin |
Sourberry |
Raspberry |
Redsweet |
Strawberry |
Flame Cheek |
Tomato |
Watergourd |
Watermelon |
Dreamberry |
None (origin) |
Nuts |
Capnut |
Acorns |
Flatnut |
Almond |
Threepoint nut |
Beechnut |
Eyenut |
Buckeyes |
Fatnut |
Butternut (oily nut) |
Poppernut |
Chestnuts (generally roasted) |
Stinkfruit |
Ginko (fruit not eaten) |
Puckernut |
Hazelnut |
Manynut |
Hedge-apple |
Splitnut |
Hickory |
Manyseed |
Mangrove seed |
Slimnut |
Pecan |
Swampnut |
Swamp or Bog Willow |
Sweetnut |
Honey Locust (pod-nuts) |
Smokenut |
Honey Mesquite (pod-nuts) |
Groovenut or Ridgenut |
Walnut |
Trees, Roots, Bark, and Flowers |
Blue-needle |
Blue Spruce |
Sweetstick |
Cane (sugar) |
Green-needle |
Conifer |
Spiceroot |
Ginger root |
Sneeze Flower |
Heart Violet |
Sweet Tree |
Maple |
Deep Tree |
Oak |
Tear Root |
Onion |
Stewroot |
Potato |
Redbark |
Red Pine |
Tearoot |
Sassafras |
Orangeroot |
Sweet potato |
Frostbark |
White Pine |
Real Life Counterpart Not Yet Declared |
Cooling Leaves |
Escor Bloom |
Fever Root |
Pricklefruit |
Prickly Fruit |
Scent Mask |
Soaproot |
Stink Plant |
Strangleweed |
Sweetblossom |
Sweetleaves |
Wackroot |
Whistling Leaves |
Yellowroot |
Fungus, Moss, and Lichen |
Blue Moss |
Blue-green/grey mosses |
Greenblot |
Green Lichen |
Tinderblot |
Green-Grey Lichen |
Itchy Moss |
Purple-grey Moss |
Capstems |
Mushrooms |
Red Moss |
Red & brown mosses |
Greenwebbing |
Spanish moss |
White Moss |
White, silverish and grey mosses |
Miscellanious |
Beesweet |
Honey |
Stretch Sap |
Gum |
Sweet Sap |
Maple Syrup |
Tree-blood |
Resin |
Cough Sap |
White Pine Sap |
Land Mammals |
Leapers |
Antelope |
Screecher |
Bat |
Bear |
Bear (black or brown) |
Flat-tail |
Beaver |
Curl-horn |
Bighorn Sheep |
Shaggy Hump |
Bison |
Bob-Tail |
Bobcat |
Clicktoes |
Brockett (Miniature)Deer |
Flame Eyes |
Bush Baby |
Zwoot |
Camel with hump on shoulder instead of mid-back |
Chubbycheeks |
Chipmunk |
Gold Cat |
Cougar or Puma |
Branch-Horn |
Deer |
Furred Slither |
Ermine, Ferret |
Sly Ones |
Foxes (red and grey) |
Bounders |
Gazelle |
Tree-grazers |
Giant Sloth |
No-humps |
Horses |
Hoppers |
Jackrabbits |
Plains cats |
Lions |
Tuft-ears |
Lynx |
Wide-horns |
Moose |
Stub-horns |
Mountain Goats |
Snowbears |
Polar Bear |
Quillback |
Porcupine |
Flare horns |
Cross between moose and sheep |
Squeaks |
Rats and Mice |
Ravvit |
Rabbit |
Longtooth |
Saber-toothed tiger |
Stinkstripe |
Skunk (also stink-cat) |
Snowcat |
Snow Leopard |
Golden Cat |
Lion |
Fluffy Tail |
Squirrel |
BrightFlame |
Tamarin, Golden Lion |
Treewee |
Tarsier |
Striped Cat |
Tiger (orange and white) |
TreeHopper |
Tree Kangaroo |
Needlefur |
Tree Porcupine |
Bloodflyer |
Vampire Bat |
Bristleboar |
Wild Pig |
Wolf or Howler |
Wolf |
Ripclaw |
Wolverine |
Serpent-nose |
Wooly Mammoth |
Madhorn |
Wooly Rhinocerus |
Birds |
Silentflyer |
Barn Owl |
Skyplume |
Blue Macaw |
Proud Blue |
Bluejay |
Bloodfeather |
Cardinal |
Widebeaks |
Ducks |
Proud Flyer |
Eagle |
Sky Hunter |
Falcons, Hawks |
Squawker |
Green Parrot |
Fast Hover/Blur-wing |
Hummingbirds |
Silent Wing |
Owl |
Brights |
Parrots (all but green) |
Fireplumes |
Red Macaw |
Redchests |
Red-breasted Robins |
RedTail |
Red-tailed Hawk |
White Wing |
Snowy Owl |
Brightsingers |
sweet sounding songbirds of bright colors |
Water Life |
Razor-tooth |
Alligator-like saurian |
Snapper |
Baracuda |
Bluefins |
Blue-Gills |
White Fins |
Carp |
Bottom Sniffers |
Catfish |
Swing-shell |
Clam |
Giant Shell |
Clam (elf-sized) |
Sand-pincher |
Crab |
Lock Claw |
Crawdad |
Swimmer Slither |
Eel |
Wavedancer |
Dolphin |
Boat-backs |
Giant Turtle |
VastDeep AirBreather |
Dolphin |
Deepsinger |
Humpback Whale |
Spinning AirBreather |
Spinner Dolphin |
Stingfingers |
Jellyfish |
Redclaw |
Lobster |
Treeneck |
Loch Ness monster |
Covegrazer |
Manatee |
Seaglider |
Manta-ray |
Clamper |
Mollusk |
Manyarms |
Octapus |
Blacksails |
Orca/Killer Whale |
BigJaw |
Pike |
Rainbow swimmers |
Rainbow Trout |
Red-Backs |
Salmon |
Sea Slither |
Sea Snake (poisonous) |
Furryfin |
Seal |
Manytooth |
Shark |
Five-points |
Starfish |
Brightswimmer |
Tropical Fish |
BlueSwimmer |
Tuna |
Water Skimmers |
Water Bugs |
Curl Shells |
Water Snails |
Reptiles |
Fan Slithers |
Cobras |
Crocodilians |
Large croc-like saurians |
Wet-croaker |
Frog |
Giant Lizards |
Gila Monster |
Green slithers |
Grass Snakes |
Rattle slithers |
Rattlers |
Dry-croaker |
Toad |
Hard-Shells |
Turtles |
Waterslithers |
Water Snakes |
Shell-backs |
Saurians with armor and a ball spike tail |
Insects |
Brightflutters |
Butterfly |
Fuzzybugs |
Caterpillar |
Manylegs |
Centiped/Milliped |
Sting-tails |
Scorpions |
Rock Spiders |
Wolf sized spiders |