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Seaweed |
Female |
Jen |
Herself, Foxtide |
SlapFin |
Little Fin |
Smile-bright Highthing |
388 |
Guard and Gatherer |
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Heart shaped face witha petite nose and a samll, but full mouth |
Blond |
Curly and short |
Very pale blue |
Thin, lithe, lean strength |
3'11" |
Light tan |
Distinguishing marks/Scars/Tattoos: |
Was born with flaps of skin between her fingers and toes |
SeaElf |
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Blues and greens |
Like most of her original Sea-elf tribe, she was trained in the use of a trident, a long three pointed javlin made
especially to use as an underwater spear. Since joining the more land dwelling Hidden River Holt she has learned to use her trident on
dry land by shortening the haft so that it was not so long and cumbersome |
Sending, Flesh Shaping |
Gathering, swimming, stalking, fighting |
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A very happy elf, always smilng and laughing. Often tries to cheer up soul-sister, Foxtide, when the pressures
of leading the tribe become too much |
The water, laughing, friends, fish |
Fire and hot-dry weather that causes the river to shrink |
Losing Foxtide to death |
Even though she knows that staring is a sign of challenge among the Wolfrider's she has never been able to break
her habit of locking eyes with whoever she is talking to which was considered a sign of respect and thoughtfulness among her home tribe |
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Cleareyes - SeaElf (Different Holt) |
Wave - SeaElf (Different Holt) |
None |
Foxtide |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
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| Seaweed's parents recognized, but never lifemated. When Blackspear
and his small group came, she became very close to his daughter, Foxhair. They soon became soul-sisters, and Seaweed left with the group,
coming to Hidden River Holt |
Additional history not required, but may be added. | |
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PETS | |
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| Gentleheart 03/2001 |