Name:   Ally
Email Address:
Location:   USA, California
Other RPG Holts:   Forest Holt, Darkfalls Holt, Mystic Rain Holt, Shadow Wolf Holt, Two Moons Shade

Character name:   Foxtide, blood of 12 chiefs
Gender:   Female
Soulname:   Naln
Known by:   Herself, Seaweed
Former name:   None
Cub name:   Foxhair
Preserver title:   Twirl-hair Highthing
Age:   426
Position in tribe:   Chieftess, hunter, warrior, troll-trader
Facial features:   Heart-shaped face with a small, slightly upturned nose, and cupid's bow lips
Hair color:   Black with red highlights
Style:   Wavy, held in chief's lock, with bangs, length to mid-back
Eye color:   Pale green
Body type:   Toned and on the short side for a female
Height:   3'4"
Skin tone:   Light tan, from her Plainsrunner side
Scars/Tattoos:   None
Heritage:   ½ Wolfrider - ½ Plainsrunner
Colors (clothes):   Black and tan
Summer outfit:   Low-slung, deerskin skirt belted with a strip of black, and deerskin vest-like thing that ties in front, below chest. Entire midriff shows. Lace-up deerskin boots to bottom of knee. black archer's armgaurds
Winter outfit:   Same boots and gloves. Black tights go under skirt and vest has long sleeves. A black cape with a hood is thrown over the outfit
Jewelry:   Silver circlet around neck and matching armband. A silver earring in right ear and three in the other, which is the symbol of a troll trader
Weapons:   A longbow with a silver hand-grip, made by Tapfoot
Magics:   Sending, Wolf bonding
Skills:   Leading, hunting, combat, dancing, acrobatics and troll trading

  Foxtide is an elf usually content to dance the night away, or sit under the moons and howl. She hates to see another down and will try anything to smooth over whatever it is that's bothering them. She is very loyal to her tribe, and would give her own life if it would help save any of theirs. She is the first one into battle, and the last one to stay behind to pick up any stragglers. Foxtide can be very strict though, especially when it comes to humans and troll. She does not tolerate challanges to her rule, and has been known to brutally put down those who oppose her.

Likes:   Howls, hunts, swimming in the Vastdeep and spending time with her tribe
Dislikes:   Unrest within her tribe, sensless killing and the thought of the humans coming over to her side of the river
Fears:   Not being able to potect her tribe
Quirks:   Loves beesweets (honey) and will do anything to get it
Mother:   Raeln -Plainsrunner (Deceased)
Father:   Blackspear - Wolfrider (Deceased)
Siblings:   Lonestar - Brother
Soul siblings:   Seaweed - SeaElf
Other family:   Killbird (NPC) - Aunt
Lovemates:   None
Lifemates:   None
Recognized:   None
Children:   None

        Born in recognition to Raeln and Blackspear, in the tribe of her mother's. Foxhair (as she was named then) grew up "on the road" when her mother and father gathered up the elves from the other tribes. It was from her father that she learned her archery abilities, contributing to the meals of the wanderers. When she was about 80 turns, she met Seaweed, and became her soul-sister. Foxhair changed her name to Foxtide because she loved the sea, and was attracted to it like "the tide to the shore", as Seaweed once said. Foxtide came to her father's holt when she was about 100 turns and was accepted by the reamining tribe almost immediatly as heir to the chief's lock, since the former chieftess, Blackspear's mother, had died. When her parents recognized again, Lonestar was the product.

        When Foxtide was about 300 turns, her mother died on the end of a humans's spear. Her father avenged his lifemates' death, but he, too, died in his attempt. Reluctantly, Foxtide took the chief's lock, and has been leading the tribe ever since.

Name:   Chiptooth
Species:   Wolf
Gender:   Male - Alpha
Age:   42
Appearance:   A very large dark gray wolf with black legs, chest, face and the tip of his tail. Right upper canine is broken
Personality:   A fierce fighter, he leads the pack well and strongly. Not one to leave alone with cubs though, because he has a short temper with elves he doesn't know very well
Bond #:   2nd

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