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Mistflower knew it was coming close to the time but she didn't want a healer to birth her cub, she wanted to do it the way it had always been done for generations. So she found a spot and settled to the ground, opening her mind she called for the cub's sire, Edge. She knew he had chosen another and so she spared a moment for Goodhue, to tell her that it was time for Edge to come and share the birth of his cub. But she did ask the quiet tanner to keep that surprise to herself and let the holt find out when mother and father returned with their little one. Goodhue understood and agreed that this was something Edge needed to do. It was his cub and this would strengthen that bond. Also, since Mistflower didn't want a healer, it was better if someone else was there in case Piper needed to be called. So she made the pack with the soft leathers she had been working on for the cubling, special because they were for Edge's cub. In the deepest part of her heart she wished that she had been the one to share his soul, but she knew Mistflower wanted no claim to him. The older female had sought out the quiet tanner and explained her own feelings about the circumstances. Goodhue hadn't wanted to listen at first but Mistflower had made her and in the end they had parted from that talk both much settled about their situation. So it was with no ill feelings or fear that Goodhue turned the pack over to Edge and with a soft nuzzle she urged him to see to the birthing of his cub and then hurry back. She, in the meantime, would occupy herself with those new wolfcubs. Edge gently touched her cheek, a fleeting motion before another call of Mistflower's locked send reached him. She had been so understanding, and so patient with him... and he would see to it that she had everything she wanted. Somehow... he spared one more longing glance, and then he was gone. He tried to keep his pace steady, knowing that the imminent birth could still take awhile. Mistflower had understood his feelings for Goodhue, he thought, as he walked along. She hadn't mentioned it to him, or even spared that much time to talk about the situation at hand. For that, he wondered, what this cub would have that it would be gifted to /him/. For a brief, flashfire second he wished it had been Goodhue, but he knew that Recognition was Recognition - no one really understood it. But then, no one really understood him either... except for Silver and Goodhue. Thinking of his near-sister caused him a moment of amusement. He'd seen little of her without the hunter these turning moons, but he understood. As he approached the laboring elfess, the pack slid off his shoulder and he sank to the ground, almost naturally assuming a comforting yet functional position. He soothed her brow, lightly... but from there, his knowledge seemed to leave him as to what to do. Mistflower was leaned in the roothollow of a tree. The pain is written on her face clearly as she grips his hand, "You must.. catch the.. cub" panting through gritted teeth. The contractions are strong but it isn't yet time for the birth. The time is rapidly approaching though, as is morning the sun breaking through the trees slowly. But she begins to think she shouldn't be this close to the river, the only thing seperating them from the water is a thin line of bushes. But water is needed to wash the babe when he comes. And she will need to bathe and drink. She's already beginning to feel the thirst, but not just yet. Edge went to the water to fetch back two full skins that would be of need where they were, and he had no trouble. So Mistflower's anxienty was set to rest for a little while. He gives her a bit of water to her lips and she smiles reassuringly. Soon this will be over and the bond between them severed but for the lingering knowledge. She has waited two long turns to be free of this link knowing there would never be more between them than the cub. She had never wanted him and he had wanted another. Even now, looking into his eyes, she could see the tanner there. That is where his heart was, even if fate had bound his soul to hers. Cruel fate, for they had never been meant for each other. But enough of thought, he looked worried again and she must reassure him as the cub was coming. Directing him was hard, but he found his place and the cub came faster. She groaned and pushed as the sun broke over the horizon and light touched their faces. She could see the wonder in Edge's eyes as his cub came into the world with the dawning of the sun. Little did either of them know what twist fate held for them in that moment. The cub slide free of her body, dark hair already evident atop his head. A boy cub, and healthy, his lung would attest to that as the water used to wash him startled a sharp cry from him. It must have been that cry that gave away their location. For no sooner had Edge moved away with the cub and Mistflower started to rise than a hail of spears came through the bushes that seperated them from the river. The first landed at Mistflower's feet and she struggled to move quickly, moving was exactly what she should not have done. As she rose to move a spear caught her shoulder and drove her to the ground. Her mental cry went out to all the tribe and then was cut short by the second spear that buried itself in her belly and severed her spine. Her last thought was that the cub had not been still within her. Her eyes met Edge's for that one moment before life flickered out. He hadn't been prepared for the shriek of pain from her mind echoing in his, the wrenching reverberations sending a thin, icy chill of shock down his spine. Edge was not one for hiding, but his cub was, at this moment, the most important thing. He watched in quiet fury, and horror as they came, surrounded her, and kept dashing their spears through her heart - as if to make sure their demon was dead. Minutes passed before one small, spindly male was ordered to shear her ears, cut off her fingers... and he could only watch. In truth, only mere seconds had passed, and then they were gone, leaving the mutilated and broken body in their wake. It was a miracle, somehow, that the cub had stayed silent but he seemed to scent Thistle, and started to whimper very, very quietly. Edge didn't want the young elf to see the carnage, but there was no helping it when she suddenly burst onto the scene. In a hollow, strange way, Edge sent an open communication to each member of the Holt as he met eyes with Thistle... he would have wanted to spare her view of such carnage, but it was unavoidable. ** Mistflower is dead. The cub lives. ** Thistle was pale and her eyes were unnaturaly wide as she glanced Mistflower's body. She'd seen death before. Not dead elves though. She felt ill. She went to Edge's side, touching the cub gently. It was still wet from the womb. Thistle looked at Edge with serious, shaken eyes. ** Get away from here, ** she sent, wrinkling her nose at the thick stench. Humans and elf blood and death. ** not safe. Come come to the holt. Quick and quiet. ** She yanked Edge's arm gently, but insistantly. She could hear the humans if she pricked her ears, and shivered. She didn't want to die. Without realizing it, Thistle's hand had closed around the hilt of her dagger so tightly her knuckles were white. Wildtrack had been sneaking up on Silverthorn when the send from Mistflower struck him full force. He knew his lovemate was safe, but if Edge was tending to the birth of his cub who was with Goodhue, and where was she. He knew she was alive, but she hadn't answered his send. Concern drove him back to the holt to find his niece. Find her he did, it seems the send had caught her unaware and she had tried to rise in the wolfden. Cracked her head pretty hard and was just coming too when he arrived. He wanted to call for the healer but from the sounds of things Piper's skill would be best used elsewhere first. Carefully he helps Goodhue from the den and up to her own. Where was Foxtide in all this? ** Back to the holt as quick and quiet as you can.. everyone! ** At least with them all together there was a better chance of no one getting caught by surprise. Daggerstone was among the first to arrive, having not been too far off gathering his favorite stone for arrowheads. Gentleheart and her lovemate, Lonestar, had not been far off in the dreamberry bushes and so they arrived quite quickly as well. With Flamefur and Sharpeyes on the ground following her, she leapt through the branches all the way to the holt where she let herself exit the trees and land on the ground with the other elves. Joyhawk and her parents seemed to show up as one group, and it was no surprise to count Oreln among their number. They were quickly followed by Darkblade and Killbird who arrived just moments before Greensdark. She was prodding a very reluctant Junner out into the open and the look on her face wasn't a happy one, but it changed to a soft smile when StormReach entered the clearing. Though he hung back from the others even the loner couldn't refuse a call to gather when Humans were the cause. Whitefire showed up followed on her heels by Strike, High Ones only knew were each of them had been. Thistle and Edge were on their way with the new cub and left only a few still unaccounted for. Foxtide, Seaweed, Nightsong and Arrow, Brittle.. ah, there she was.. and her brother in tow. That accounted for Brittlemoon and Chatterbeak, Grayfox would probably be waiting for her son and new grandson rather than with the others. Which left Piper and Soulsinger as the last of those unaccounted for. | |||
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Gentleheart 05/2001 |