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Feather |
Female |
Krej |
Herself, Solar (NPC) |
Softcry |
Softcry |
Flyfast point-maker Highthing |
422 |
Fletcher, sometimes guard and gatherer |
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Defined cheekbones set in an angular face with high, arched brows |
Light brown with blond highlights |
Loose to shoulder blades with three braids looped loosely around each ear. Feathers adorn her braids. |
Hazel with gold flecks |
Average |
3'11" |
Pale |
Distinguishing marks/Scars/Tattoos: |
Small black feather tattoo on right arm |
Wolfrider |
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A large longbow, largest in the holt. Arrows have green and white fletching |
Sending, Wolf bonding |
Fletching and creating arrow shafts for the tribe, often carving the elf's personal insignia in the wood. Her
carving is of a small feather. She is a competent dancer and singer. Her archery is surpassed by few in the holt |
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Usually very quiet and calm, she sometimes surprise the holt with her vehemence on some subjects. Intensely
devoted to her recognized lifemate, Solar, she usually keeps to herself and his company. Caring only to carry on her work, she
has no desire to kill out of hatred. It would take a LOT to make her kill; even a human. The only things she kills are birds, to
get their feathers for fletching arrows. She doesn?t waste the meat, however. She is a loving mother and caring lifemate, full of
patience and understanding. |
Peace and quiet, spending time with Solar and creating arrows |
Discord, hot weather and hatred |
That humans will take away all she holds dear |
Usually doesn't notice the feathers that collect in her hair |
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Redmane - Wolfrider (Deceased) |
Longbow - Wolfrider (Deceased) |
None |
None |
None |
Open to others |
Solar (NPC) |
Solar (NPC) |
Joyhawk (NPC) - Daughter |
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| Born of Redmane and Longbow, she was always a quiet cub interested
mainly in her archery and watching the moons. When she was younger, she visited the river near the humans camp, never being caught. But
she rarely goes now She was only nine years older than Foxtide when Blackspear came back to the holt. She lovemated to Solar when she
was about 110 years old and they finally recognized and lifemated when the cub was born. She was thrilled then and to this day still is. |
Additional history not required, but may be added. | |
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Buckback |
Wolf |
Male |
22 |
Light brown with a white spot in the middle of his back |
Happy-go-lucky and free spirited, he is called Buckback because he gets so excited sometimes that he hops
around, 'bucking' his rider off his back |
2nd |
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PETS | |
Sharpeye |
Peregrine falcon |
Male |
6 |
Dusty gray with white belly. Orange, piercing eyes. He is trained to bring Feather's kills back for her |
Aloof and not really interested in anything but Feather |
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| Gentleheart 03/2001 |